The City of Ottawa has received an Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment application to
develop a 6-storey building at 1088 Somerset Street W. with 21 residential dwelling units and 2 visitor
parking spaces, and a 16-storey building with 80 residential dwelling units and 2 visitor parking
spaces at 50 Bayswater Avenue.
Development Application
Location: 50 Bayswater Ave. & 1088 Somerset St.
develop a 6-storey building at 1088 Somerset Street W. with 21 residential dwelling units and 2 visitor
parking spaces, and a 16-storey building with 80 residential dwelling units and 2 visitor parking
spaces at 50 Bayswater Avenue.
Development Application
Location: 50 Bayswater Ave. & 1088 Somerset St.
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