Château Laurier Expansion | ?m | 8s | Larco | a—A

That's definitely strange. Seems to work okay if I right click and open in a new tab though. We'll see what the problem is.
There was obviously a lot of media coverage when the renderings for the proposed expansion were first released, and then radio silence as Larco retreated to figure out next steps. I initially missed this interesting interview with Peter Clewes in Macleans, which was published a few days after the outcry, where Clewes is asked for his views of the hotel, the expansion and the "visceral reaction" to the proposal. I found that Clewes came across a bit patronizing, when he effectively chalks up the opposition to the proposal as fear of change and nostalgia.

When I look at the renderings, I see what Clewes was trying to accomplish, but his proposal literally destroys important view corridors in the capital. Terrible. One of the few times when I actually think an expansion which mirrors the existing building would be appropriate (this would not be the first time that the hotel has been expanded).

Larco now says that its plans are being "refined".
