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More interior pics and updatesd.

Ādisōke Construction Update – April 5, 2024​

We are happy to report that several sections of the feature stairs have been installed since our last update! Also inside, the mechanical room on the fifth floor has been completed, and equipment moved in. Over the last month, there was ongoing mechanical, electrical, plumbing and masonry work on parking levels 1 and 2.

Outside, the installation of façade steel continued to progress, as well as glazing and exterior sheathing. The placement of timber roof beams is ongoing with the first atrium beam installed in late March. The wooden roof paneling is getting close to completion as well!

Finally, last week, we announced the Indigenous Public Artists who will have their art displayed at Ādisōke, so check out our website in case you missed it.


March 2024 Update​

Indigenous Public Artists announced

Did you know that Indigenous art will be featured throughout Ādisōke? This week, we announced that artists from across Canada have been selected through the Ādisōke Indigenous Public Art program. They will produce the following art for the facility:

  • Dee Barsy, Skownan First Nation, based in Winnipeg: interior Pimisi entrance
  • Mary Anne Barkhouse, ʼNa̱mǥis First Nation, based in Haliburton Highlands: exterior sculpture series
  • Destiny Swiderski, Red River Métis, based on Vancouver Island, and Jaimie Isaac, Sagkeeng First Nation, based in Winnipeg: art for exterior pillars
  • Naomi Blondin, Kitigan Zibi Anishinābeg First Nation, and Verna Stevens, Kitigan Zibi Anishinābeg First Nation based in Ottawa: Indigenous circular lodge art
  • Emily Brascoupé, Claire Brascoupé and Mairi Brascoupé, Kitigan Zibi Anishinābeg First Nation, based in Ottawa: exterior and interior glazing art
  • Barry Pottle, Nunatsiavut, based in Ottawa: original photographs
  • Katherine Takpannie, Nunavut, based in Ottawa: original photographs
To read more about the selected artists, visit adisoke.ca or view the “Get to know the artists” video.

Construction progress update

This winter, all columns supporting the facility were completed, which is an exciting milestone! A lot of inside structural work within the mezzanines have begun and some are already complete.

Outside, there has been a lot of progress on the iconic waved roof, and work is ongoing on the façade of the building. Check out some of the aerial photographs to see the incredible progress!
North Relevé tower is completely obscured. South tower still has a few floors to go before beating out Moon.
Looking at it some more, this view will completely transform within the next two years with Relevé, Marriott Renaissance and the Dream towers. Adisoke will be obscured a bit by East Flats II.
