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Ottawa Confederation Line LRT (City of Ottawa, U/C)

Work on the tunnel launch site is about to start near the University of Ottawa. The Transitway is being diverted around the site later this month.

There's also a second tunnel launch site just east of LeBreton station, in the vacant lot on the north side of Albert. From what I understand the tunnel will be started from both sides, with an 'extraction site' in the parking lot on the SE corner of Kent and Queen.

I take the bus right past the western launch site every day, and the extraction site is in the parking lot kiddy corner to my building, so I'll have a good view of the site (I look at it every day).

They've also started work on the 417 widening between Mann and the split. Right now, it's creating a pinch point westbound from the 174 onto the 417, so a lot of Orleans commuters aren't very happy.

The Citizen had a great article a couple weeks ago showing all the construction phases for the project, and their impact on traffic:
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I'm not sure. Might just be artisic license. I have seen renderings where you see a pantograph. I assume it'll be Pantograph, I doubt Rideau Group will use an unconventional power collection system.
It is entirely pantograph-based operation. I think that they were trying to represent an additional set of safety rails inside the guage in the renderings, as it appears that the line will not be finished in such a way to allow for tire'd vehicles.

Toronto, Ont.
Yes. I do recognize the need for something like the NCC, but I wish they would bury the current chairman and board, and leave the rail line on the surface.
Yes. I do recognize the need for something like the NCC, but I wish they would bury the current chairman and board, and leave the rail line on the surface.

What's even more frustrating is that, from the sounds of it, NCC staffers are on board with the plan. It's just the board that's against it. And of course, God forbid John Baird actually do anything for his city or his riding and tell the NCC to go climb a tree. Nope, that would be too much to ask.
Good. I like Richmond-Byron better. And I'm not a fan of the LRT cutting off Westboro from the River.

The "favoured" alignment is all about avoiding NIMBY backlash. Maybe, now the planners will grow a pair.
Good. I like Richmond-Byron better. And I'm not a fan of the LRT cutting off Westboro from the River.

The "favoured" alignment is all about avoiding NIMBY backlash. Maybe, now the planners will grow a pair.

It still largely is R-B though. Dominion Station stays where it is, and Cleary Station isn't that far from Richmond. West of there, it's right under Richmond.

And I think the tunnelling as opposed to trenching west of Cleary is the response to NIMBYism, not the bermed section along the edge of the Parkway. That's just using a path of least resistance. Remember, it's not where the line goes, it's where the stations go that matters. I actually really liked the 1st Richmond Underground plan, and I think this one is basically the same thing, but with (unnecessary) considerations in place for NIMBYs and the NCC.
The part of the riverfront we're talking about here is pretty low-lying and has a high water table. If they were to dig a trench deep enough to cover over, it would look like the Rideau Canal within a couple of weeks. Engineering the thing to keep it dry would cost a pile of money.
I'm not clear on all the details, but it seems like the NCC board doesn't want their drive along the Ottawa River Parkway to be sullied by the view of public transportation (and LRT riders will not get a view of the parkway unless they buy a car). Am I correct (if inflammatory)?
I would guess they feel that large vehicles like buses and trains with electric wires/fence etc would spoil the scenic view on the parkways and detract from its character ... The NCC needs to get out of the early-mid 20th century mindset about these parkways being for Sunday drives, a break from the urban setting etc. Realistically the parkway is a four lane commuter highway that cuts off access to the waterfront (there are no pedestrian crossings for 3 kilometres in this stretch). . It's quite strange that an organization promoting sustainability, integration of transit systems, tourism etc makes it so difficult for the City to run transit on its parkways and generally has very few pedestrian/cycling crossings... the City can only run on the Ottawa River Parkway through a special agreement.
I'm not clear on all the details, but it seems like the NCC board doesn't want their drive along the Ottawa River Parkway to be sullied by the view of public transportation (and LRT riders will not get a view of the parkway unless they buy a car). Am I correct (if inflammatory)?

Pretty much yeah. On one side you have the NCC saying it will ruin the Parkway lands, on the other side you have landowners complaining about loss of view and increased noise from the LRT.

And of course you can't run it along the Byron corridor the entire way, because the residents will complain about the loss of the linear park (which was formerly a streetcar line!!!). The whole thing is just NIMBYism and bureaucracy at its worst.

Thankfully once this section is done the majority of the LRT system will be upgrades to the existing Transitway (much like how it's being done between Campus and Blair for the 1st phase), so these types of squabbles will become few and far between. Either that or it will be a new section that already has a ROW reserved paralleling a major highway, as will be the case in Orleans and Kanata.
