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Azure Westboro | 2070 Scott St. | 83.4m | 26s | Azure | BDP Quadrangle

I wonder what highrise will break ground next in Westboro. I imagine Homestead will move on to the 25s tower on Clearview after they finish the other one off Pinecrest. Collonade Bridgeport have plans to start the Granite Curling Club towers next year, but I think they might start 1950 Scott sooner. Park River's Tower is probably cancelled.
I didn't have time to stop for a snap, but this building looked absolutely gorgeous at sunset. I realized the glass is all smoked with a subtle white tone, like nothing I have ever seen before anywhere. Absolutely incredible what can happen when a developer invests in out of town architects.
I also like the view coming down Churchill / being stopped parked at the lights at Byron gives a good view of it as well.
Without doxing myself too much I can see this from my street. It is definitely pretty. The building looks completely different from different angles and when you get up close and see the podium.

9.5/10 I think it is the best residential put up in the past 10 years in the city.
This project coming to fruition has been a major challenge but it is so nice to see it succeed. It's a beautiful building. This almost didn't happen due to the poor mis-management of a certain company that oversaw his Richmond Road Project. Kudos to Brigil for helping John out.
Haha just realized Azure blurred out the Brigil signage in a photo of the Richmond Road project on Azure's website.

